Tuesday, January 22, 2013

LinkedIn for Job Seekers and Career Changers

Social Media guru Katie DeVito will present a program outlining effective use of LinkedIn for job seeking and career changing at the Mount Laurel Library on Wednesday, February 27 at 6:30 p.m.  No registration is needed.

What is LinkedIn and how can it be used as a tool for job seekers and career changers? Come learn how to navigate the tough economy and promote yourself and your business by using LinkedIn.  

Katie DeVito will offer relevant tips and lead you through a hands-on demo on how Social Media can effectively help you land that dream job, boost your company’s bottom line and more.

Intro to Bollywood

Dance instructor Susette Jones will be teaching some of the Bollywood dance moves from the movies at Mount Laurel Library on Thursday evenings February 7 and March 7 from 7-8 p.m.   No partner, registration or experience needed!  This program is free and open to all. No registration is needed.

Donate Baseball Equipment for Needy Kids

Twelve-year old Mount Laurel resident Jeremy Shpigel is collecting new and gently used baseball equipment for needy kids.  A box for the collection is located in the lobby of the Mount Laurel Library and will remain there until Sunday, April 14.  Donations of bats and balls have already begun rolling in and more are welcome. 

Jeremy has undertaken a community service project in conjunction with Pitch in for Baseball, to collect baseball equipment to give to kids from all around the world, including the United States, who cannot afford the equipment and to communities that suffer from environmental disasters.  An example is the assistance that Pitch in for Baseball provided to the town of Ludlow, Vermont, which sustained significant damage from Hurricane Irene in 2011.

Additional collection sites are located at Lenape High School, Adath Emanu-El Synagogue, and the Mount Laurel Fire Department’s three stations. Additionally, there will be a collection box in the Thomas Harrington Middle School’s gyms on January 26, January 27, February 2, February 3, February 9, and February 10.

Please consider making donations of baseball equipment and help disadvantaged youths enjoy America’s favorite pastime!

Friday, January 18, 2013

SaRon Crenshaw to Play Blues Concert

Come enjoy a FREE blues concert with SaRon Crenshaw and his band on Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 2 p.m. at Mount Laurel Library. This concert is open to the public. Celebrate Black History Month with this musical treat! No registration needed.

SaRon Crenshaw learned to play guitar at the age of ten and travels the country playing jazz and rhythm and blues. He has shared stages with talented recording artists such as Lee Fields, Roy Roberts, Denise LaSalle, Bobby Rush, Jessie James, Tyrone Davis, and Chuck Roberson. SaRon plays a Gibson “Lucille” model guitar signed by B.B.King himself and is a regular at Terra Blues in NYC.

For more information about SaRon Crenshaw and to listen to samples, visit:

This concert is part of the Second Sunday Concert series offered at the Mount Laurel Library thanks to a generous gift from Wegmans. Concerts are held every month. All are welcome to attend.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Chess Night

Chess players wanted for fun and competition at the Mount Laurel Library on Thursday, January 31, 2013 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  All ages and levels are welcome. Drop in for a game!  No registration needed.